Monday, March 24, 2014

REPOST: Watch this Parkour video if you want the experience but not the broken bones

Anyone who watches this video will surely have a glimpse of what it feels like to do parkour. This post from USA Today features James Kingston of parkour group Ampisound with a camera fixed on his head while he performed the extreme sport. 

How is this not a video game yet?

James Kingston is a British member of the Parkour group Ampisound. In this video, he fixed a camera onto his head and filmed himself jumping and leaping around Cambridge, England like some sort of flying squirrel.
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My favorite part about the video is that they didn’t use some dubstep-bass-drop insanity that every other extreme sport video uses now, and for that, I applaud them.

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Also, does this guy have any cartilage in his knees at this point? This can’t be good for the joints.
Hi! I’m Brittany Perskin. I am a physical therapist who enjoys extreme sports, particularly parkour. Follow me on Twitter for more related stories.